Mowilam juz wczesniej ze mi sie podoba ta nitka :) no to prosze, kolejny wytwor wakacyjny.
I've told you I really like that thread :) so there is another holiday product.
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Sunday, 28 August 2011
opaska, obrozka... / headband, necklace...
Podstawowy wzor i wielofunkcyjne uzycie :) moze sluzyc jako opaska, obrozka albo tez bransoletka. Bardzo podobaja mi sie kolory kordonka i uzylam go ostatnio kilka razy :) ale o tym nastepnym razem... :)
A basic pattern and multi-purpose usage :) can be use as a headband, necklace or bracelet. I love the thread colours and I used it few times :) but more about this the next time ... :)
Mam nadziej ze sie Wam podoba :)
I hope you like this :)
A basic pattern and multi-purpose usage :) can be use as a headband, necklace or bracelet. I love the thread colours and I used it few times :) but more about this the next time ... :)
Mam nadziej ze sie Wam podoba :)
I hope you like this :)
Friday, 26 August 2011
Wrocilam / I am back :)
Wrocilam z dluugich wakacji gdzie moj dostep do internetu byl bardzo ograniczony. Mam wiec Wam do pokazania kilka moich pierdolek. Zaczniemy od kolczykow frywolitkowych :)
I am back from my long holiday where my internet connection was very limited. I have got some new things to show you. Let's start from tatting earnings :)
I am back from my long holiday where my internet connection was very limited. I have got some new things to show you. Let's start from tatting earnings :)
Saturday, 11 June 2011
kolejna bransoletka / another bracelet
Spodobalo mi sie robienie bransoletek :) dlatego dzis kolejna odslona :) pasuje do kolczykow wykonanych wczesniej :)
I like tatting bracelets recently, that's why you see the new one today. It matches the earrings I've made before.
I like tatting bracelets recently, that's why you see the new one today. It matches the earrings I've made before.
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
na zielono / the green
A oto zielone kolczyki wg mojego wzoru z dodatkiem ozdobnego kamienia.
There are the green earrings based on my own pattern with crystal inside.
There are the green earrings based on my own pattern with crystal inside.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
bransoletka / bracelet
Pokaze Wam dzis nowo wykonana bransoletke :) Dostalam zamowienie na prezent dla 5letniej dziewczynki. Jestem zadowolona z efektu i osobia zamawiajaca tez - to juz polowa sukcesu :) - teraz czekam na opinie solenizantki.
A Wy, co o niej myslicie?
Today I will show you the newly made bracelet :) I received an order for a gift for 5 years old girl. I'm happy with the result and also the person who ordered it too - it is the half success :) - now I'm waiting for feedback from the birthday girl.
And you, what do you think about it?
And you, what do you think about it?
Friday, 13 May 2011
wisiorek / pendant
Bardzo mi sie spodobal wzor wisiorka wg yarnplayer wiec zrobilam kilka wariacji kolorystycznych. Ktory Wam przypadl do gustu?
I really liked the pendant's pattern by yarnplayer so I made a few colour variations. Which one do you like?
I jeszcze "stary" wzor z innego ujecia.
And yet the "old one" pattern with different angle.
I really liked the pendant's pattern by yarnplayer so I made a few colour variations. Which one do you like?
I jeszcze "stary" wzor z innego ujecia.
And yet the "old one" pattern with different angle.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
mala pomylka a cieszy ;) / a little mistake...but made me happy
Pokaze Wam moj wlasny projekt, ktory wyszedl spod czolenka za sprawa pomylki w liczbie pikotek wiec zaczelam improwizacje na goraco :) oto efekt (poki co tylko jedna sztuka).
I'll show you my own design, which I've made by mistake with counting picots, then I had to start improvise. And there is it (the only one just now :) )
Moje obecne zamowienie w trakcie dzialania - Wiosne czuc w powietrzu... :)
My current order in progress - Spring is in the air... :)
Te kolczyki zrobilam korzystajac ze wzoru yarnplayer
These earrings I made using yarnplayer's free pattern.
I'll show you my own design, which I've made by mistake with counting picots, then I had to start improvise. And there is it (the only one just now :) )
Moje obecne zamowienie w trakcie dzialania - Wiosne czuc w powietrzu... :)
My current order in progress - Spring is in the air... :)
Te kolczyki zrobilam korzystajac ze wzoru yarnplayer
These earrings I made using yarnplayer's free pattern.
Monday, 10 January 2011
Nowy Rok nam sie zaczal :) / New Year :)
Witam w Nowym Roku! Wszystkim Wam zycze aby byl to rok niasacy wiele dobra i piekna!
Koniec starego roku byl dla mnie naprawde pracowity. Pierwszy raz bylam na bazarze swiatecznym z moimi wyrobami. Wiele nocy poswiecilam na dzialanie i z efektow bylam naprawde zadowolona. Sam bazar byl bardzo ciekawym i milym doswiadczeniem. Pozniej mialam frywolotko-wstret ;) ktory przerwalam tuz przed Sylwestrem, na ktory postanowilam wykonac maske frywolitkowa.
Dosc juz gadania, czas na zdjecia :)
Welcome in the New Year! I wish you a lot of good things and the beauty.
The end of the last year was really busy for me. I was on the bazaar with my handmade products. I've spend many nights hard-working on my jewellery and I was very happy with effects. The bazaar was very interesting and nice experience for me. After that I had tatting averse ;) but before New Year's Eve I've decided to do a tatting mask.
Enough talk, time for pictures:)
Oto maska zaprojektowana przeze mnie./ Here is the mask designed by myself.
A to byl prezent pod choinke dla Kogos :)/ It's a Christmas gift for Somebody:)
I jeszcze kilka kolczykow :)/ and some more earrings :)
Koniec starego roku byl dla mnie naprawde pracowity. Pierwszy raz bylam na bazarze swiatecznym z moimi wyrobami. Wiele nocy poswiecilam na dzialanie i z efektow bylam naprawde zadowolona. Sam bazar byl bardzo ciekawym i milym doswiadczeniem. Pozniej mialam frywolotko-wstret ;) ktory przerwalam tuz przed Sylwestrem, na ktory postanowilam wykonac maske frywolitkowa.
Dosc juz gadania, czas na zdjecia :)
Welcome in the New Year! I wish you a lot of good things and the beauty.
The end of the last year was really busy for me. I was on the bazaar with my handmade products. I've spend many nights hard-working on my jewellery and I was very happy with effects. The bazaar was very interesting and nice experience for me. After that I had tatting averse ;) but before New Year's Eve I've decided to do a tatting mask.
Enough talk, time for pictures:)
Oto maska zaprojektowana przeze mnie./ Here is the mask designed by myself.
A to byl prezent pod choinke dla Kogos :)/ It's a Christmas gift for Somebody:)
I jeszcze kilka kolczykow :)/ and some more earrings :)
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