Thursday, 25 November 2010

nie bylo mnie tu ale dzialalam... :) / I wasn't here but I have done something...

Dawno mnie tu nie bylo, ale w tym czasie nie proznowalam i mam Wam do pokazania kilka nowych pierdolek :)
Korzystajac ze wzoru u Fascinata zrobilam urocze kolczyki frywolitkowe,

Na wystawach i w sklepach oraz na Waszych blogach czuc juz nastroj swiateczny dlatego tez sama zaczynam myslec o przygotowaniach :)

I wasn't here for ages but it was busy time for me and I've made a few things. I used pattern from Fascinata's blog and made this charming earrings.
 Zrobilam wiec ubranko na bombki choinkowe rowniez po "posiadach" u Fascinaty :) - Dziekuje!

I've made cloths for  Christmas trees' baubles. I've found that pattern also on Fascinata's blog. Thank you!

A tu inne stare/nowe kolczyki, ktore wykonalam w ciagu ostatniego m-ca.
Rozne kolory, podobne wzory :) duuuzo zdjec.

And here are another old / new earrings, that was made during last month. Different colours, similar patterns :)
a lot of pictures.

Te turkusowe powstaly na specjalne zamowienie :) i czekaja na odbior.
These turquoise I've made by special order:) and they are waiting for the receiver.

Ten sam wzor ale inne kolory nici i krysztalow swarovskiego.
The same pattern but different colours of thread and Swarovski crystals.

Te czerwone to zostawilam dla siebie - hmm czyzbym miala slabosc do tego koloru...? 

Those red-ones I've left for myself - I don't have a weakness for this colour, 
have I?
Jesienny urok / Autumn charm